It's not the Vf=Vi+a(t) that kills you, it's the F=m(ΔV/ΔT).

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 5

During this week, Audie and I researched how to determine the height of an object dropped if you know the time it took to reach the ground and gravitational acceleration. We used the equation 1/2(g)t2 --*t squared*--. We took the total time from the time of the potato accelerator's launch to the potato's impact (4.34 s) and divided by 2 to get the time from the projectile's peak to its impact (2.17), thus giving us the t variable for the equation. The g variable is the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.81 m/s2 --*s squared*--. When we plugged this data into the equation, we came up with an approximated 23.097 m for the height of the peak of the projectile's motion.

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